CJFET Differential Pairs’ Constructions and Characteristics for Design of Cbicjfet Differential Amplifiers and Differential Difference Amplifiers’


  • E. M. Savchenko JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow, Russian Federation
  • D. G. Drozdov MIREA - Russian Technological University, Russian Federation
  • V.G. Rodin MIREA - Russian Technological University, Russian Federation
  • А. I. Grushin JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow, Russian Federation
  • P. А. Dukanov JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow, Russian Federation
  • N. N. Prokopenko Don State Technical University; Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of RAS, Russian Federation




p-n junction field-effect transistors, differential pair, drain-gate characteristic, silicone complementary bipolar technology


We have developed technology and construction solutions system to increase differential pairs (DP) of JFet with p- and n-channels identity, which are included into silicon complementary bipolar process of SPE “Pulsar” (Moscow). The possibility of creating several types of JFet DPs within the process is shown. The paper presents the results of experimental studies of two types of DP JFet designs with p- and n-channels for the spread of gate-source voltage ΔVGS depending on the drain current and drain-source voltage. The main features of the first design of p-channel JFets were the following: formation of drain/source area due to passive base of npn-transistor and deep collector areas for pnp-transistor; channel formation based on p-layer collector of pnp-transistor; formation of bottom gate using p+ buried layer; top gate formation due to active base and polysilicon emitter of npn-transistor. A feature of the second JFet design was top gate formation due to passive base. The designs of the first and second types of n-channel Jfet were formed similarly, taking into account the replacement of the applied areas of bipolar transistors with opposite ones in the type of conductivity. It was found that with increasing drain current ΔVGS decreases, and with increasing drain-source voltage ΔVGS at high currents increases for DP based on p-channel JFet with the first type of design. The maximum difference ΔVGS was in the range of 5–80 mV for a given differential pair JFet with a p-channel. On plots for DP p-channel JFet with the second type design a significantly lower voltage spread ΔVGS was shown: for example, for the drain current ID = 50 μA the voltage spread ΔVGS did not exceed 10 mV. In this case the voltage spread ΔVGS practially did not depend on drain-source voltage in contrast to differenctial pair of the first type. The second type JFet n-channel differential pairs like for the DP p-channel JFet provided lower spread values in comparison with the first type design: ΔVGS reached values of 5-20 mV. Moreover, for the design of the second type, a significantly weaker effect of the drain-source voltage on ΔVGS was observed at high current densities. The developed designs of differential pairs based on p- and n-channel JFet are recommended for use in organizing the production of CBiCJFet analog circuits, including operations at low temperatures.

Author Biographies

E. M. Savchenko, JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow

Savchenko Е. М.

D. G. Drozdov, MIREA - Russian Technological University

Drozdov D. G.

V.G. Rodin, MIREA - Russian Technological University

Rodin V. G.

А. I. Grushin, JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow

Grushin А. I.

P. А. Dukanov, JSC "SPE (Scientific production enterprise) "Pulsar", Moscow

Dukanov P. А.

N. N. Prokopenko, Don State Technical University; Institute for Design Problems in Microelectronics of RAS

Prokopenko N. N.






Designing of Radio Equipment