Evaluation of D2D Communications in 5G Networks


  • A. V. Bulashenko Національний технічний університет України «Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського», Ukraine




D2D, 5G, clustering, wireless, network connectivity


5G networks are being tested today. 5G networks are capable of improving existing services and delivering new quality of service through low latency, such as tactile internet. Existing technologies do not meet the requirements of 5G, which necessitates the development of new technologies. These include new connectivity methods that depend on the quality of the network's functioning. One of the most famous D2D communications. 5G networks use millimeter-band technologies. As the radio signal energy of the millimeter range is strongly absorbed by the environment, this range has a short communication range, so a large number of base stations must be installed in the network. But this is not always effective as their use decreases. D2D device-to-device technology is used to solve this problem. In order to ensure a high quality of network service, attention must be paid to the structure of the D2D organization. The basic structural parameters are the communication distance, the communication radius and the number of repeaters. This can be solved by selecting the relay node correctly. For this purpose it is necessary to take into account the change of the allowed data rate in the channel due to the allocation of its resources by the network node, used as a repeater. In order for the route to provide the necessary bandwidth, it is necessary to change the distance between the network nodes. This ensures network connectivity and the required level of quality of service. This is achieved by choosing the optimal algorithm that is considered in the article.





Telecommunication, navigation and radar systems, electroacoustics