The study of the amplitudes of the fields excited linear grating horn irradiators


  • O. L. Sydorchuk Zhytomyr military institute named after S. P. Korolyov, Zhytomyr, Ukraine



horn irradiator, amplitude of electromagnetic field, linear antenna array


The problem of scattering from a linear grating of horns can be solved only with approximate methods because known mathematical methods allow to obtain solutions only for simple mathematical models for example for the endless arrays of planar waveguides. Other sources include experimental characteristics of the amplitudes of the fields excited in apertures and the fields scattered by such grating, however, the theoretical calculations are not given. The problem determining of the amplitudes of the field excited by horn radiators, for arbitrary incidence of the plane electromagnetic wave is solved in references. However, the applicability of this solution for the linear grating of the horn irradiators (waveguides) is investigated, which in turn hinders the development of antenna arrays with reduced scattered field. Thus, there is the problem of developing methods for the investigation of electromagnetic fields amplitudes excited in aperture of n-th radiator grating when incident to flat electromagnetic wave, properly polarized in the plane of incidence from an arbitrarily specified sources. The methodology of the study of the electromagnetic fields amplitudes, which are excited in n-th radiator linear grating aperture when the incidence of the plane electromagnetic wave polarized normal to the plane of incidence from an arbitrarily specified sources. It is found that under these conditions, aperture will be excited only with the waves of magnetic type – $A^{H\perp}_{+0m_y}$. The amplitude of the waves excited by n-th emitter is virtually identical to the amplitude of the central even with the distance between them. The results can be used to study more complex rectangular antenna arrays consisting of the n-th number of linear.

Author Biography

O. L. Sydorchuk, Zhytomyr military institute named after S. P. Korolyov, Zhytomyr

Sidorchuk О. L.





Electrodynamics. Microwave devices. Antennas