Сriteria of crystal-like structures approaching by impedance delta-inhomogeneities lattices


  • E. A. Nelin National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine
  • A. V. Liashok National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev, Ukraine




crystal-like structure, impedance delta-inhomogeneity


Introduction. Crystal-like structures (CS) have unique, similar to crystals, band spectral characteristics and form the basis of new various signal processing devices. In this paper the criteria of CS approaching by δ-inhomogeneities lattices are established. Wave mediums of crystal-like structures. Quantum-mechanical, electromagnetic and acoustic wave mediums are considered and expressions for impedance δ-barriers and δ-wells input impedances and admittance are described. Unlimited impedance δ-wells lattices. Features of impedance δ-wells lattice are considered. Expression for input impedance of impedance δ-wells lattice is obtained. Active and reactive input impedance components characteristics of unlimited impedance δ-inhomogeneities lattices are presented. Unlimited crystal-like structures approaching. Comparative analysis of input impedance components characteristics of unlimited CSs and δ-inhomogeneities lattices are considered. Criteria of unlimited CSs approaching by δ-inhomogeneities lattices are established. Limited crystal-like structures approaching. Comparative analysis of input impedance components characteristics of limited CSs and δ-inhomogeneities lattices are considered. Criteria of limited CSs approaching by δ-inhomogeneities lattices are established. Conclusions. Criteria for unlimited and limited CS approaching by δ-inhomogeneities lattices limiting CS inhomogeneity width by one-fourth of the wavelength and normalized wave impedance of electromagnetic and acoustic inhomogeneities by values of not less than 3 or not more than 1/3. These criteria determine range of modeling ― energy for quantum-mechanical CSs and frequency for electromagnetic and acoustic CSs accordingly.

Author Biographies

E. A. Nelin, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Nelin E. A., Doctor of Sci(Techn.), Professor

A. V. Liashok, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Kiev

Liashok A. V., PhD





Functional Electronics. Micro- and Nanoelectronic Technology